May 3, 2019
How to Make a Positive and Lasting First Impression

Does your workplace make a good first impression?

If you hesitated to answer yes, maybe there’s

work to be done to clean it up!


Managing a busy workload or running a large company means the task of organising the cleaning of your workplace probably comes last on your list. But having a clean and orderly workplace is not just about hygiene, it could be the foundation for the success of your business.  A clean workspace provides a happy and healthy environment for your workforce which in turn will encourage productivity. It’s also a great first impression for prospective clients, new work colleagues or work partners too.

When visitors arrive at an office for the first time, it provides an opportunity to make a positive and lasting impression. It will give them a sense of the company’s business priorities and culture. Presenting a confident and efficient environment and displaying attention to detail will enrich their perception of your company and hopefully help pave the way to a positive working relationship with them.

The Power of the Employee

Many workers think of their workplace as a second home spending on average 37-40 hours a week there. Your employees are the face of your business. Research has shown that providing them with a clean and tidy workplace will help make them happier to be there and encourage productivity. It will also go a long way to helping them present the right attitude and image to prospective clients or customers.

Meeting Customer Expectations

Ever used toilet facilities that have been neglected? Off-putting isn’t it? Dirty toilets could be the difference between a customer doing business with you or going to your competitor. It says everything about a business if basic hygiene can’t be maintained.

Business today is all about meeting customer expectations and a clean, tidy and hygienic environment will all be part of that. Don’t let a dirty or messy work environment put your clients off – it could be the difference between winning that contract or not!

Going Green

Having low maintenance hardy Indoor plants will also add a pleasant and homely ambiance to a workspace. Research has also shown that they can help relieve stress and filter the air of bacteria reducing risk of illness. So, it’s a win win situation if you’re looking to impress your clients and maintain a healthy workforce.

The Professional Approach

It’s recommended that workspaces are cleaned daily, particularly areas where food is prepared or toilet facilities. Whilst employees should be expected to maintain cleanliness, regular, daily cleaning will help to set the standard you require.

For a large business the organisation the requirement to get the premises cleaned can be both demanding and expensive. As the owner of professional cleaning company, I know we can take that challenge away. If you would like to find out more how we can help you create a positive and lasting first impression, click here. Alternatively, contact us today to discuss your cleaning requirements.